Mentors (or role models) take responsibility
Vorbilder ist ein Mentoringprojekt des gemeinnützigen Vereins BOLDLY e.V.. Bei diesem Projekt übernehmen junge Menschen die Rolle einer Vertrauensperson für Schwarze Jugendliche.
To do so, mentors and mentees partake in leisure activities and build trusting relationships that are conducive to problem-solving. Through this targeted support, Vorbilder takes responsibility for the younger generation by showing what is possible even for the less privileged.
With this project we want to take responsibility for the younger generation. It is our vision to empower Black children and youth so that they can independently and confidently pursue their dreams and take their place in society.
Our values
Strength orientation
Our approach is to identify and develop resources, skills, and strengths.
We treat each other with respect, sensitivity, and deference.
A lasting bond is only realized through continuity, commitment, and intrinsic motivation.
We step in early, support you in your journey to discover your identity, and guard against problems from arising in the first place.
We don’t do it all, which is why we attach great importance to co-determination and self-initiative.
We come from different professional backgrounds and value exchange and participation.
We critically examine problematic situations and look at them from different perspectives.